Monday, January 18, 2016

Armenia - Madzoon ov Kufteh

Location of Armenia
Barev and shnorhavor Nor Tari!

Hello and Happy New Year! For the first post of 2016 we travel to Armenia for Madzoon ov Kufteh, a creamy meatball soup with a yogurt base! 

The ease of making this soup is good omen for 2016, actually, because I have been neglecting you, readers. [Cue Hail to the Chief Instrumental] The citizens and visitors to this blog's posts deserve better. I have been neglecting you all and that must change. From here on out, I resolve in 2016 to make soup with greater regularity than ever before! It won’t be every day! And it likely won’t even be every week! But if I can make a soup for you lovely people more than once a month, I will onsider my promise to you fulfilled! Together we can. Together we soup.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Argentina - Carbonada Argentina

Hola, readers!

I’m baaaack!!!! After a hiatus of a few months, I am excited to be sharing a new recipe with you all!

In case you thought my last experience may have killed me, don’t worry. Both my assistant, Vaughn, and I are safe and the leftovers for the Escudella were promptly tossed! Sorry, Andorra! While I would be glad to travel there one day and check out your real soups, I don’t foresee me ever making that concoction again, granted I did mess it up quite a bit!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Andorra - Escudella i Carn d'Olla

Location of Andorra, in Green
I have always liked to think of myself as an adventurous being. Just ask my mother! I was much more fearless as a child and as such, have come to the conclusion that fearless children create paranoid parents - rightly so! As you get older you naturally lose some of the fearlessness and bravery (stupidity?) that made your childhood magical and full of years' worth of stories. I no longer hitchhike from strangers when I know I won't make it home on time by foot. It has been years since I have jumped three stories from a bridge into the flowing waters of the Purdy Spit below. Nor have I recently swam as far out into the ocean as I possibly could - just to see if i could make it back to shore. If. If??? My god, my poor parents! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Algeria - Chorba Frik

Salam, Everybody!

Thanks for coming back for more soup! Today we are in Algeria! Algeria is a country on the
Algeria in the World
Northern coast of Africa, bordering Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Niger, Mali, Mauritania and the Mediterranean Sea. Algeria is the largest country of its continent, the Arab world and the Mediterranean Basin and a whopping 99% of it's population identifies as Muslim! In fact, our soup today is a testament to that; Chorba Frik is a vegetarian soup that, while consumed year-round, is eaten nearly every day during the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan in many households. In a nutshell, Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims every summer as a month of fasting, where observers world-wide abstain from food, drink, sex and smoking from sun up to sun down.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Albania - Gjelle Me Mish dhe Patata


So it had been a few days and I was still scouring the internet for an authentic Albanian soup recipe. Albanian cuisine, like that of Afghanistan, has yet to fill the bistros and cafes of Ventura Blvd. In fact, even Yelp had betrayed me - bringing up exactly zero Albanian Restaurants for reference in a search spanning 7 major counties in Southern California from way down south in San Diego all the way up to Santa Barbara! It was kind of mind-boggling to me! Living in Los Angeles, you get used to there being every culture known to man right out your front doorstep! There are believed to be an incredible 224 different identified languages spoken in our city, not including differing dialects! 1 Yet, with all of that not a single Albanian restaurant in the Greater Los Angeles area. Wow.
Even on the Googles, finding an Albanian Soup Recipe in English is proving to be a difficult task! I am getting flashbacks from Taken, where the Albanian kidnappers challenge Liam Neeson's kickass threats with a gruff and thickly accented "Good Luck."

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Afghanistan - Shorwa-E-Gosht

Salaam Aalaikum!

And welcome to the inaugural post of Soup Adventurer, where I hope to explore the remarkably awe-inspiring cultures of our world, one bowl at a time!

But why soup? Well the easy answer to that is that in all its versatility and possibilities, soup is one of my all0time favorite food groups. Yes, It is a food group in my world! It is not uncommon to plan Soup Dates with my girlfriends, or guy friends, or acquaintances, or really anybody that will tolerate this fascination of mine. And for somebody like me, a former Washingtonian trapped in terribly sunny and bright Los Angeles, soup means cozying up on the couch with a blanket, the fireplace and a rainstorm outside – an occurrence that happens not nearly as often as ideal in this land of supposedly perfect weather.
But digging deeper, there is something about soup that, to me, is culturally expansive.