Monday, April 13, 2015

Andorra - Escudella i Carn d'Olla

Location of Andorra, in Green
I have always liked to think of myself as an adventurous being. Just ask my mother! I was much more fearless as a child and as such, have come to the conclusion that fearless children create paranoid parents - rightly so! As you get older you naturally lose some of the fearlessness and bravery (stupidity?) that made your childhood magical and full of years' worth of stories. I no longer hitchhike from strangers when I know I won't make it home on time by foot. It has been years since I have jumped three stories from a bridge into the flowing waters of the Purdy Spit below. Nor have I recently swam as far out into the ocean as I possibly could - just to see if i could make it back to shore. If. If??? My god, my poor parents!